With Parachutist Helmet production stopped in early 1945, there was a need for M-1C Parachutist Helmets late in the war for the preparation for the Invasion of Japan and you the 11th ABN grabbed up as many helmet liner as they could. This is where many of the "rigger modified" helmet came from. There were also new, factory production Type II liners made between the end of WWII and the early 50's but the 11th ABN and the 82nd still had demand for Type II Parachutist Helmet liners. As a result, contracts were issued to convert existing stock to Type II liners.
This helmet set is an example of a Type II Conversion fulfillment piece. The liner is a WWII Capac with steel rivets used for the A yokes and an early lightly marked web chincup. The helmet is factory repainted front seam with light texture vs heavier cork and the ABN chinstraps have green painted hardware. Josh Murray took a look at it and agreed it is a nice, solid example of a Type II Postwar contract fulfillment helmet and is likely a factory matching set with shell and liner.
This set came from the estate lot of a retired Navy Seal who served from the early 70's through the 90's. Not sure where he came across it or what the story is, but it came from his storage unit.