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Moore Militaria Update

My apologies, I am not always the best at updating this page, but there are always new items on the newly listed page. I also and generally good about updating the Facebook page when new items are added, so if you do not follow us there, please do! Current Inventory Updates: We have a small restock of JWD Tigers and ERDL. I am pretty sure we will be able to get OD 3rd Pattern R/S for this Spring. I have been asked about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Poplins. We WILL make them again, just have not had the time and resources to commit to the project right now due to personal circumstances. Many of you have been customers for many years and I appreciate your patience. I promise we will get to it!

New Items Listed - Dec 16th 2023

We recently listed some incredibly rare estate items from a Navy SEAL CDR. We still have some amazing pieces left and have discounted some other One of a Kind Pieces for Holidays. Take a look at the "Newly Listed" Page to see what's available!

New Items Sept 5th 2023

We have listed several new items including M7 Bayonet Fighting Knife "Knuckle" Conversion Kit, a Lightweight Rucksack Frame, and black Leather Combat Boots. USGI 20rd Magazines are back instock as well.

July 2023 Shipping Updates

USPS had some major changes a couple of weeks ago. They discontinued 1st Class Parcel service / rates and replaced it with "Ground Advantage." The problem is that all of the shipping API's for the websites are not ironed out to offer the new rate yet so we have not been able to add the new option. Currently, that leaves Priority Mail and UPS as the only options. For orders that weigh a pound or more, this is not a big deal and you would never really notice, but on small orders for say a set of dog tags, or a a couple of name tapes, it gets rid of the $5 1st Class Option and forces the $10 Priority Option. Rest assured we are working on this and will address it as soon as we can, but in the mean time, consolidating your orders will help keep the shipping costs down.

Colorful Mailbags of the Vietnam War

The Colorful Mailbags of the Vietnam War By Fielding S. Freed

Green, in a variety of shades, was the color of choice for the US Military during the Vietnam War. Green helmets, green helicopters, green cans of ham and lima beans, and of course green uniforms were all designed to blend in with the sometimes overwhelming jungle. There were some exceptions, however, to this rule of green. Purple smoke grenades and eye popping pink signal panels identified friend from foe from the air. There were times when bright colors could save a GI’s life. Mail, that all important link to home, also came in colors during Vietnam. Red, yellow, and orange mail bags were especially designed to stand out against all that green and make the mail easier to keep up with while in transit. It is not that the US Military and US Postal Service did not try to join forces and make delivering mail to front line troops green as well. A well-intentioned but failed experiment was the design of olive drab mail bags intended to be dropped from helicopters. They worked well, too well. It must have seemed completely predictable in hindsight, but during test drops the bags ended up blending in with bushes and grass and could not be found. It was decided that colorful mailbags were worth the camouflage risk if they got the mail delivered.

Many who served in Vietnam still recall those vivid mailbag colors. Jimmie Stephens (Tactical Operations Center, 1st Bde, 4th ID, 12/69-11/70) remembers, “Bags full of smiles, tears, laughter and sometimes heartbreak. Millions of bits of individual moments of reality ‘back in the World’ within those crimson and canary colored pouches.” Of those that made it out to the field, the most common mailbag color was red, really more of a magenta. If you look closely at color photographs taken during resupply or down times during the war you might be surprised at how often you see the telltale splash of the color of a mailbag. Sometimes Hollywood gets the small things right. When Forest Gump and Bubba are dropped off to their unit in Vietnam, a red mailbag gets tossed out right behind them. A detail most likely lost on all but the vets who were there.

One thing remains the same for generations of service men and women deployed overseas, mail was, and is, their tangible link to home. Even in our era of email and Skype, there is still something special and uplifting about a handwritten letter or care package. One of the many things that made the Vietnam experience unique was the way mail was delivered. There is little doubt that the sight of those colorful bags tossed out of a Huey must have caused some hearts to beat a little faster, hoping for a letter or package from the World.

### Image Captions: A US paratrooper from the 1st Air Cavalry, receives mail, while stationed in a blocking position north of the Michelin Plantation. Vietnam, 1969. | Location: north of Michelin Plantation, Vietnam. (Photo by © Tim Page/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Experimental, prototype olive drab mail pouch developed by the Postal Service for use in the jungles of Vietnam. Image courtesy of the Unites States Postal Service Museum

Heavily sandbagged post office operated by the Marine Corps during the siege of Khe Sanh. ©Corbis

Forty years after the end of the Vietnam War, the United States Navy still uses bright yellow mailbags. Image courtesy of the Unites States Postal Service Museum

Copyright 2016, Fielding S. Freed Contact: [email protected] Phone: 843-709-3120

XM148 Under Barrel Grenade Launcher

The Vietnam War saw the first practical use of dedicated grenade launchers versus the rifle grenades of WWII and Korea. The M79 Grenade Launcher was revolutionary. It was light weight, accurate and had a range of up to 300 …

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Body Armor: Vietnam Use and Development

Body armor and flak jackets have been something sought after by armed forces around the globe to protect their troops from arms fire and shrapnel. Developed to prevent death and lessen injuries, body armor has been used in war combat …

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The XM16E1 Rifle

Development In 1958, the United States military evaluated two prototypes being considered as a new standard issue infantry rifle. One of the requirements identified as centrally important for the new rifle was reduced weight. A lightweight rifle would allow soldiers to carry more equipment, …

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