We had an estate lot from a retired SEAL CDR and in the lot were several manuals / handouts. Included was this BUD/S TRAINING M-16 HANDOUT. We scanned the original and have reprinted it so you can have a new copy that is fresh and durable. This 40 page "manual" was a handout given at BUDS to introduce SEALS to the "new" M16 rifle and is September 1971 dated. The manual covers parts, operation and trouble shooting with basic parts groups diagrams, etc. This information is all covered in other TM's etc. BUT this was put together in a simple, easy to digest reference handout for SEALS and used in BUDS training. of M16 retro collecting as well as SEAL items, this is a cool piece!
The photo of the manual with a staple in the top left corner is of the original for reference. We have reprinted the manual adding cardstock covers front and back for durability as the original was simply paper. We then stapled the handout along the left edge (this copies several other manuals in the lot) to make it more user friendly.