Helicopter Crewman Shirt. These are the shirts for the 2 piece fire resistant Flier's Set. Shirts are in NOS, unissued shirts. They are straight from the 1971 dated boxes with 71 contract dates.
Shirt Sizes: MS
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Cap, Hot Weather. Commonly referred to as OG-106 Ball Caps, these ball caps are the "second issue" style that started production around 1970. They differ slightly from earlier hats in that they have the synthetic sweatband, the front stiffener only goes half way up and they lack a vent hole on the front two panels. Current inventory is 1980's dated and in unissued condition. The 80's production are marked as OG-507 to match the durapress (OG-507 vs OG-107) fatigues issued in 1975 and later. Learn More
Cap, Field, Hot Weather, OG-106. These are commonly referred to as OG-106 Ball Caps. Our hats are original Vietnam War Era. These ball caps are the earlier "first issue" style that started production in the mid 60's. They feature a vent hole on all panels (including the front), cotton sweatband (vs. later vinyl) and the front stiffener goes all the way to the top of the hat. All of the hats that we currently have instock are 1960's to early 1970's dated and in excellent condition. Learn More
Beret, Man's, Wool (Black). These are current production, mil-spec berets. Depending on availability, some are lined and some are unlined. All have leather sweatband and badge stay. Perfect for LRRP / Ranger, Navy, and Armor Learn More
Beret, Man's, Wool (Green). These are current production, mil-spec berets. Berets are "inspection ready" pre-shaped and shaved. Depending on availability, some are lined and some are unlined. All have leather sweatband and badge stay. Pictured above with our reproduction cut-edge 5th SF flash (sold separately on Insignia II page). Learn More
Headnet, Mosquito, M-1944, Original. These are the standard issue "bee keeper" style head nets designed to keep biting insects off of your face and neck. Unissued condition straight from the original boxes. Dates vary from 60s to 80s depending on availability, but they are all identical in this period. Learn More
Corcoran Jump Boots. These are new Jump Boots made by Corcoran (since 1941) for the US Military. All features such as the Garrison Army Munson Last, Cap Toe, Box Counters, etc are present. This is the same boot as worn by ABN Qualified personnel during the 1960's. Perfect for early ABN, Cav, SF impressions as well as others. Please note a "regular" is a "D" width. Learn More
Boot Laces, Replacement. These are the standard 72" long, round construction, black boot laces. Perfect for leather boots and jungle boots. Priced per pair. 2oz Learn More
Blousing Bands. These are also referred to as boot garters, blousing garters, etc. Basically they are an OD elastic band with hooks used to help with blousing your boots. Priced per pair. 1oz Learn More
Belt, Trouser, Web, Brass Buckle. USGI Issue AB or Vanguard buckle. Milspec 1.25" black webbing and fittings. Standard length is approximately 44 inches, long is 54 inches. Belt can be trimmed back once received. Learn More