We had an estate lot from a retired SEAL CDR and in the lot were several manuals / handouts. Included was this interactive, 27 page "manual" that was a handout given at BUDS to introduce SEALS to the "new" M16 rifle. Titled "Introduction & Nomenclature of The US Rifle 5.56MM, M16, M16A1" this booklet has diagrams and vocabulary building exercises. The premise is that you read a paragraph and then fill in the blank. When you get to the end of sections, you take quizzes labeling the parts. The goal is to build familiarity with the names of the working parts of the rifle through repetition.
We scanned the original and have reprinted it so you can have a new copy that is fresh and durable. The blanks have all been filled in by ENS Nelson, who was newly sent to the Naval Amphibious School at Coronado. His name is on the front cover and his hand written answers are in pencil are throughout. The fresh manual has infantry blue cardstock covers front and back just like the original.
The photo of the manual with is shown for comparison, but to be clear, this listing is for a new reproduction copy of the original. Learn More
This is a really cool, rare manual from the estate lot of our SEAL CDR. This is an interactive 27 page "manual" that was a handout given at BUDS to introduce SEALS to the "new" M16 rifle. Titled "Introduction & Nomenclature of The US Rifle 5.56MM, M16, M16A1" this booklet has diagrams and vocabulary building exercises. The premise is that you read a paragraph and then fill in the blank. When you get to the end of sections, you take quizzes labeling the parts. The goal is to build familiarity with the names of the working parts of the rifle through repetition.
The workbook is in excellent used condition, but the blanks have all been filled in by ENS Nelson who was newly sent to the Naval Amphibious School at Coronado. His name is on the front cover and his hand written answers in pencil are throughout. In the realm of M16 retro collecting as well as SEAL items, this is a cool piece and not something often encountered!
Buyer will receive a PDF document that I put together covering the owner's US Navy career. The bio packet includes his Naval Academy Diploma, Commission in the Navy, Promotion to Commander while in Naval Special Warfare Unit Two, ID while serving in the Middle East, a great team pic in boats, and best of all, his hand written application to be a Foreign Service Officer after his retirement. This document has page after page where he outlines his entire career in the Navy to bolster his application as a Foreign Service Officer. Learn More
We had an estate lot from a retired SEAL CDR and in the lot were several manuals / handouts. Included was this Jan, 1967 dated Demolition of Explosives Manual put out by the U.D.T. Training Division. The manual is 77 pages long and has explanations of different explosives, detonators, their use etc. There is tons of training information / reference material as well as diagrams and notes. We scanned the original and have reprinted it so you can have a new copy that is fresh and durable.
The photo of the manual in a three ring binder is of the original for reference. We have reprinted the manual adding the correct pink cardstock covers front and back like the original for durability. We then placed in a retro styled metal long brad folder to keep with the vintage feel and a "realistic" look for a training handout. Learn More
We had an estate lot from a retired SEAL CDR and in the lot were several manuals / handouts. Included was this BUD/S TRAINING M-16 HANDOUT. We scanned the original and have reprinted it so you can have a new copy that is fresh and durable. This 40 page "manual" was a handout given at BUDS to introduce SEALS to the "new" M16 rifle and is September 1971 dated. The manual covers parts, operation and trouble shooting with basic parts groups diagrams, etc. This information is all covered in other TM's etc. BUT this was put together in a simple, easy to digest reference handout for SEALS and used in BUDS training. of M16 retro collecting as well as SEAL items, this is a cool piece!
The photo of the manual with a staple in the top left corner is of the original for reference. We have reprinted the manual adding cardstock covers front and back for durability as the original was simply paper. We then stapled the handout along the left edge (this copies several other manuals in the lot) to make it more user friendly. Learn More
TM 10-276: HOT WEATHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT. Dated August 1970 (reprint). Covers many topics including clothing, footwear, sleeping gear, web gear, and misc. equipment. 48 pages with illustrations. Training and Field Manual Learn More
Operation and Preventive Maintenance M16-A1 Rifle (DA Pam 759-30). This is a reprint of the comic book originally printed in 1969 to address issues with cleaning and maintenance with the M16 rifle. The idea was that a comic book would be easier to relate to than a technical manual. The comic covered basic operation and field maintenance of the M16A1. 30 pages in full color vs the normal black and white. Training and Field Manual Learn More
M16A1 Rifle Armorer / Depot Maintenance and Repair. Revised January 1980 edition. Covers general description, repair, maintenance, parts, special tools and equipment, armorers tools, replacement parts list, etc. Learn More
TM 9-1005-249-14: Rifle 5.56mm XM16E1 (M16) and Launcher, Grenade, 40mm, XM-148. Dated August 1966 (reprint). Includes operation, cleaning, and assembly / disassembly of the pre-cursor to the M-203 system. 120 pages. Training and Field Manual Learn More
FM 23-8: U.S. Rifle 7.62, M-14, M-14E2. Dated May 1965 (reprint). Includes disassembly, assembly, maintenance and function. Training and Field Manual Learn More
TM 9-1005-229-12: Submachine Gun, Cal .45, M3, M3A1. Dated November 1969 (reprint). General operating instruction, maintenance, repair parts, special tools and equipment, etc. for the "Grease Gun." 48 pages. Training and Field Manual Learn More